Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Emerging from the land of separates

I forgot that I love to sew dresses! I started sewing because I wanted to wear dresses all the time, and though I did make a few of them, somewhere along the line I got stuck making separates. I haven't made a dress in over a year! Well, I am going to a fancy cocktail party for work tomorrow and I spent the weekend stitching up a new dress. It still needs a zipper, a hem, a final pressing, and some hand stitching on the inside, but I think it will come together in time. More details to come!


  1. Oh wow! This looks intriguing! Can't wait to see the whole thing!

  2. This looks lovely! Good luck with the finishing!

  3. Yea dresses! Obviously they're my favorite. Wish I had more fancy cocktail parties to go to, though. I lead an unglamorous but dress-filled life! Can't wait to see the final creation.

  4. Oh, I'm sure it is going to be gorgeous!! Love the sleeve detail and the liquid look of that divine fabric.

  5. Thanks for your enthusiasm! It was going so well, but then I hit some bumps with those last few things that were supposed to be easy. I hope the finished dress lives up to the tease!

  6. Thanks :) The finishing was a bit rougher than anticipated, I need your good luck wishes!

  7. I led a totally unglamorous life until this job too, and really it's still pretty unglamorous - I'm just going to be one of the staff members checking attendees in and such. It is going to be fun building a supply of party dresses, though!

  8. I hope so! I'm not as happy with the skirt, but I have enough sewing experience to reserve judgment until it's hemmed and I'm not wearing socks.

  9. OOOh it looks CUTE! Also, a whole year without sewing a dress??? I'm not sure I could go that long. I think the bulk of my sewing are dresses, and I probably need more seperates. Blouses to be exact.

  10. I know, right?? How did that happen? I'm definitely going to make at least a few more dresses in the near future!

  11. Well, from what one can tell from the thumbnail, it looks like it was a success! All my dresses have been woefully misshapen thus far! Are you going to post outfit pictures / pictures of the full dress?

  12. It looks really lovely so far!

  13. Oh dear, keep trying, you'll figure it out! I will definitely do a real post on the dress, just as soon as I can get my husband to take a picture :)

  14. Thanks! I think it was a success.

  15. That is a beautiful tight curve! Can't wait to see the whole thing.

  16. Thanks :) This was the good side.


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