Friday, July 5, 2013

This month

I disappeared there for a bit! I wish I could say I have exciting things in the works that have kept me from posting, but that's simply not true. Really, my other main hobby groups - music, plants, and long walks on the beach - have gotten in the way of dedicated sewing time. It seems as though I never have enough time for anything, but I love sewing, guitar, beaches, hiking, plants, making things, taking care of home, reading, and so on, almost all equally! Do you ever feel like you have too many hobbies and interests to really be effective at any of them?

Anyway, this is what my June looked like:

sunset from the neighborhood cliff | fireworks seen from the living room | my #1 time consumer
fog rolling in | future projects! | gray beach evening
embroidered flowers | a very happy jade plant | my sewing corner

Even though I sometimes feel like I'm spread too thin, I'm so happy with all the little activities that make up my life. Seeing these images all together makes me feel rather accomplished, even if I don't really have anything to show for the last month.


  1. What a beautiful collage! I really love things like this - it's like a little window into a person's everyday life!

  2. Looks like a perfectly lovely June! and a lovely collage to illustrate. Thanks for sharing those beautiful images :)

  3. You had a beautiful June!

  4. Thanks! I always like it when other people do this too, but mine seems much less interesting :)

  5. It was nice, just not very eventful :) Hope it's cooled down a bit for you!

  6. Kelly I know what you mean. Apart from sewing I also love oil painting, walking and cycling, and gardening. And reading. And somewhere in there I take care of my family. And work. Too many interests, too little time! Your pictures are lovely.

  7. It's so fun though! I'd rather have too many interests than too few :)

  8. There is definitely never enough time for everything. As long as you get a little time to do *something* you love, life is good!

  9. I totally know what you mean - so much to do but nothing gets done :) As long as you're enjoying it is the big thing. I love those little embroidered flowers.


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